Guns have a place with the gathering of optional weapons that are the mo9st successful over short and medium separation. Because of low harm managed and low covering entrance, dependably attempt to focus on the head while shooting, to bargain however much harm as could be expected. Greater part of guns are ineffectual over long separation, however there are special cases (e.g. Boa constrictor or Desert Eagle), so in the event that you end up in such a circumstance, don't squander your ammunition and change to another, more powerful weapon. The intriguing thing is that guns have generally nice precision in development, if just you take single shots.

Take single shots.

Endeavor to ration ammunition and not to shoot indiscriminately.

Change to another weapon over long separation.

In the event that you are furnished with an expert sharpshooter rifle, gun is your essential weapon for battle over short separation.


Submachine firearms are lightweight weapons that are the best finished short and medium separation. Submachine firearms are equipped for purging the magazine rapidly, yet you at that point need to control the reticle and splashing. Also, submachine weapons can be compelling over long separations, yet just in single shot mode.

At short proximity, direct nonstop fire into the upper piece of the adversary's body.

Over medium separation, discharge in single shots, or in short blasts, into the head.

Try not to reload the firearm after you have just taken a few shots, if there are different adversaries around.

On the off chance that reload time of your weapon is long and you need to complete out the adversary, utilize the optional weapon and reload the submachine firearm later on, in security.


Rifles have been partitioned into three subcategories: strike rifles, expert sharpshooter rifles and automatic weapons. the dominant part of them are completely programmed, on account of which you can lead consistent fire until the point that you purge the clasp. The main contrast here are expert sharpshooter rifles that discharge single rounds, after which they must be loaded.


Strike rifles are the most widely recognized weapon write in Crossfire, and the best ones are AK-47 and M4A1. Attack rifles are immaculate at any separation, however you need to make sure to make up for draw back, while discharging in longer blasts. To utilize the capability of these weapons to the most extreme, dependably attempt to focus on the head, in light of the fact that the first round dependably hits the objective.

At short separation, you can fire in long blasts and focus on the chest, while revising the reticle travel.

At medium separation, it is best to shoot in single, twofold shots (particularly on account of AK-47) or in short blasts into the head.

At long separation, it is best to flame single rounds into the head.


Expert sharpshooter rifles come furnished with an extension and they are utilized over medium and long separation. While focusing on, it is best to intend to the head, yet shots to the chest can be similarly as compelling. In battle over long separation, you can take a helpful vantage point and sit tight for the objective to go in close vicinity to remove. While exploring the guide, utilize the method of speedy zoom and prompt release. When you wind up in a circumstance, in which the rival is ideal by you, it is best to utilize an optional weapon.

Utilizing rifleman rifles expects you to be patient and consistent. Set the extension directly behind the corner that an adversary may show up behind, on account of which you can quickly make a go.

Utilize zoom over medium and long separation.

After you make a go, hole up behind a cover to reload.

At short separation, you can attempt a visually impaired point or switch into the optional weapon.

Assault rifles are heavyweight weapons. They have vast clasps and high rate of flame. Notwithstanding, they are not that well known, because of the weight and wide showering.


Some automatic weapons require some time before beginning to discharge, e.g. Gatling Gun.

It requires a long investment to reload an assault rifle, so it is better done in wellbeing.

To move around the guide, change to the auxiliary weapon or to the sharp edge.


Shotguns have been isolated into programmed and self-loader. The larger part of them can shoot a solitary buckshot, after which another is stacked into the chamber. Shotguns have high pellet splashing, because of which they are just powerful finished short separation. Because of the low rate of discharge, some of the time you may have the capacity to take a solitary shot that may choose your future in the round. On the off chance that you miss, the adversary will have enough time to take a few shots previously your shotgun is loaded once more.

At short separation, focus on the upper piece of the body to take out the rival promptly.

At medium separation, endeavor to go for the chest, yet recollect that you should fire a few times previously you kill the adversary.

Over long separation, change to the optional weapon.


In CrossFire, there is a wide cluster of edges. Among others, there are blades, tomahawks and even spanners. This sort of weapon is successful just in scuffle, in assaults from behind or amaze assaults.

In the event that you need to utilize a sharp edge to dispense with an adversary, you need to sneak up to him.

Frontal assault on an adversary with a programmed weapon might be deadly.

Some sharp edge weapons have a more extended territory than others, e.g. Katana.


Head protector and impenetrable vest increment your odds of survival in the front line. It is dependably a smart thought to wear them, in light of the fact that not exclusively do they assimilate a portion of the harm taken, yet in addition diminish the likelihood of death after a solitary shot to the head. Lamentably, both of these are accessible just for RP, i.e. for genuine cash.


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